Installing MySQL Enterprise on Ubuntu

· #linux#mysql

MySQL Enterprise packages are not available in Ubuntu’s default repositories. You need to download them directly from the MySQL website. For this guide we will download the package via wget script instead of direct download.

Step 1: Download the wget script

  1. Visit the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud page
  2. Log in with your Oracle account credentials
  3. Get the wget downloader script (refer screenshots below)


Step 2: Running the wget script

Once the wget script is downloaded, use the following commands to use it:

  1. On the server, create a new directory

    mkdir mysql-enterprise && cd $_
  2. Create a new file & make it executable

    touch && chmod +x $_
  3. Paste the wget script content retrieved from the website earlier

  4. Run the script, you will be prompted with sign in credentials


    The script will download .zip chunk files, make sure to check the wget log for any error

Step 3: Installing the downloaded package

  1. Unzip all the .zip chunk files

    unzip -o *.zip
  2. Install the .deb file

    sudo dpkg -i *.deb

    Here, your installation will be interrupted due to an unmet dependencies error

  3. Fix broken dependencies

    sudo apt install -f

    This will scans the system for packages with missing or broken dependencies


Verify the mysql version, you should see “MySQL Enterprise Server - Commercial” in the output

mysql --version